North Country Cheviot [Park Type] first lamb crop from newly imported UK Frozen Ram Semen since 1990s


Note: (see Interest Form & News for details)

= $135.00 per straw [includes importation fee*], 5 straws minimum order can be a mixture of rams & breeds
[importation fee* = Codon Scrapie Genotype testing to source ARR/ARR (highest resistance) rams, UK Gov Sign-off, transport to London, non-stop flight to USA, tank fully insured, USDA/APHIS Customs inspection, shipment from Customs to Great Lakes Sire Service (GLSS) Bronson, Michigan, in-inventory at GLSS, return tank to UK for next shipment] + plus any cost overrun
Lambs from 1st UK North Country Cheviot (Park Type) Import of Frozen Ram Semen to USA since 1990s . . . Congratulations to:

Tim & Julie Reed

Allanshaws Farm

Polson Smerlie North Country Cheviots and

Blue Ridge Animal Clinic, Lexington, Virginia.

To order UK ram semen [$115.00 per straw] fill out Interest Form (required)

USA/Canada North Country Cheviot Breed Co-Coordinators
Martin Macqueen,
Steve Stone, (812) 896-2603