Interest Form / Agreement / NEWS — Heritage Sheep Reproduction (USA) & OC Flock Management (Canada)

UK Frozen Ram Semen & Frozen Sheep Embryos Importation — updated 17 March 2025

Tank #s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are all imported into USA. Visit tab: Shop UK Frozen Ram Semen to select semen and/or embryos

Tank # 10 (embryos) & Tank #11 (ram semen) . . . Import Permits received for end March 2025 importations
*** NEW (17 March 2025) . . . 5 straws/client minimum order can be a mixture of rams & breeds, straws from 18 rams are ready for frozen semen importation. All straws NOW available for ordering:
= 10 NEW rams (in Tank #11 import) finished 6+ months semen collection process (120-day isolation, semen collection, 30-day post collection isolation, final bloodwork) for importation
• Bluefaced Leicester "Espley 4024/S012" (UK0118177-03935)
• Bluefaced Leicester "Philiphaugh R1" (3435/R001) (UK0562147-34437)
• Charollais "Foulrice Baxter" 23DG12990 (UK0122123-12990)
• Hampshire Down "Graylen Raider" 24Y2405994 (UK0103530-05994)  
• Hampshire Down "Thorbeck Musketeer" 80X2000589 (UK0145918-00589)
• Kerry Hill "Carpenters Ace 42647" (UK0310606-01449)
• North Country Cheviot [Park Type] "Bardnaclavan Blacksmith" 0071B16392 (UK0500605-16392) (Re-Tag UK0530071-03459)
North Country Cheviot [Park Type] "Smerlie Emperor" 1067E03180 (UK0530071-03180)
• North Country Cheviot [Park Type] "Smerlie Empire" 1067E03235 (UK0530071-03235)
• Shropshire "Brereton Torry" 2936 (UK0160631-00739)   
= 8 rams (in Tank #11 import) importing EXTRA straws stored in UK/AI Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland to fill sold out and/or low USA inventory
Bluefaced Leicester "Towdypotts L10" (4171/L010) (UK0112448-00176)
Clun Forest "Charben Ben" (UK0421130-00245)
Dutch Spotted "Boyo Easy On The Eye" 163/E00852 (UK0310443-00852
Dutch Spotted "Glencoy Chance" 075/C01196 (UK17600601196)
North Country Cheviot [Park Type] "Allanshaws AC/DC" 0411A16113 (UK0562084-16113) [13175]
North Country Cheviot [Park Type] "Cairnside Brightspark" 0764B02711 (UK0500183-02711)
North Country Cheviot [Park Type] "Sebay Xcitable" 0253X04044 (UK0523780-04044)
Southdown "Chaileybrook 21/01061" M58645 (UK0316694-01061)
= 3 rams (~ late Fall 2025 import) straws already collected, but final bloodwork NOT finished in time to be included in Tank #11 import
Wensleydale (black) "West End 1624B" 694/23/1624B (UK0107504-01624)
Wensleydale (black) "West End 1626B" 694/23/1626B (UK0107504-01626)
Wensleydale (black) “West End Jack of Spades II" 7899B” (UK0107504-01348)
To purchase frozen ram semen [USA & Canada] and embryos [USA only, Canada not approved yet]:
1. Use this tab called Interest Form & News
2. Be sure to read ALL the requirements below for the Scrapie Program, Frozen Semen and Sheep Embryos
3. Scroll to very bottom of this page, fill out form & hit BLUE SUBMIT button underneath. If need be TURN your cellphone sideways to see the SUBMIT button
USA Importations . . . various stages of rams, breeds & embryos:
- all imported frozen semen stored at Great Lakes Sire Service (GLSS), Bronson, Michigan until re-shipped within the USA
- all frozen embryos stored at Reproduction Specialty Group (RSG), Lebanon, Indiana until re-shipped within the USA
Tank #1 (ram semen) straws imported 10 Nov 2021 to USA [7 rams] = 2 Bluefaced Leicester, 1 Clun Forest, 1 Kerry Hill, 1 Teeswater, 2 Wensleydale (white)
Tank #2 (ram semen) straws imported 21 June 2022 to USA [9 rams] = 3 Herdwick, 3 Shetland, 2 Wensleydale (black), 1 Zwartbles
Tank #3 (ram semen) straws imported 27 Oct 2022 to USA [12 rams] = 1 Bleu du Maine, 1 Dorset (Polled), 4 Kerry Hill, 1 Suffolk, 1 Teeswater, 2 Texel, 2 Zwartbles
Tank #4 (ram semen) straws imported 15 Nov 2022 to USA [7 rams] = 3 Teeswater, 4 North Country Cheviot (Park type)
Tank #5 (ram semen) straws imported 11 May 2023 to USA [9 rams]  = 1 Derbyshire Gritstone, 1 Ile de France, 1 Kerry Hill, 1 North Country Cheviot [Park type], 3 Shetland, 1 Texel, 1 Zwartbles
Tank #6 (embryos) straws imported 14 Dec 2023, Embryo Transfer (ET) frozen embryos [3 breeds] = Dutch Spotted, Kerry Hill, Zwartbles
Tank #7 (ram semen) straws imported 4 June 2024 to USA [11 rams] = 1 Clun Forest, 1 Dorset (horned), 2 Dutch Spotted, 2 Hampshire Down, 1 Kerry Hill, 2 Southdown, 2 Wensleydale (white)
Tank #8 (embryos) straws imported 11 Sept 2024, Embryo Transfer (ET) frozen embryos [4 breeds] = Dutch Spotted, Kerry Hill, North Country Cheviot (Park type), Wensleydale (white)
Tank #9 (embryos) straws imported 15 Dec 2024, Embryo Transfer (ET) frozen embryos [4 breeds] = Herdwick, Kerry Hill, Teeswater, Wensleydale (white, black)
Tank #10 (embryos) working on importing end March 2025
Tank #11 (ram semen) working on importing end March 2025 (see contents list above)
Scrapie Compliance / USDA approvals to move straws is handled by Margaret Van Camp,, 810-814-3408; There is an additional fee charged for this service, no matter when the straws are moved.
Storage / Re-shipping is handled by Great Lakes Sire Services. GLSS will charge fees for storage and/or shipping of the straws once they are transferred to you.
Contact Margaret Van Camp (, 810-814-3408) with any questions regarding scrapie compliance, USDA approval, storage or re-shipping.

Heritage Sheep Reproduction has ~100+ UK rams in various stages of the Frozen Ram Semen Importation process [isolation, blood work, semen collection and/or imported]. Due to working with RARE Sheep Breeds, rams are being "shared in the UK" for separate importations . . . [UK to USA] & [UK to Canada]:
= 20+ breeds: Bleu du Maine, Bluefaced Leicester, Charollais, Clun Forest, Dorset (horned), Dorset (polled), Dutch Spotted, Hampshire Down, Herdwick, Leicester Longwool, Ile de France, Kerry Hill, North Country Cheviot, Shetland, Shropshire, Southdown, Suffolk, Teeswater, Texel, Wensleydale (black), Wensleydale (white), Zwartbles

= $135.00 per straw [includes importation fee*], 5 straws/client minimum order can be a mixture of rams & breeds [UK/AI Centre requires combined USA/Canada minimum order of 100 straws/ram when new breeds are added to the list]
[importation fee* = Codon Scrapie Genotype testing to source ARR/ARR (highest resistance) rams, UK Gov Sign-off, transport to London, non-stop flight to USA, tank fully insured, USDA/APHIS Customs inspection, shipment from Customs to Great Lakes Sire Service (GLSS) Bronson, Michigan, in-inventory at GLSS, return tank to UK for next shipment] + plus any cost overrun
100% UK Frozen Sheep Embryos, 1st time allowed for exportation into USA [Canada not approved yet] . . . click ET links for details, [embryos data posted in with "Shop UK Frozen Ram Semen" tab until separate ET tab available]
UK Embryo Transfer [ET] = 8 breeds: Dutch Spotted, Herdwick, Kerry Hill, North Country Cheviot (Park type), Teeswater, Wensleydale (white), Wensleydale (black), Zwartbles
= $595.00 per embryo [importation fee NOT included in price], 4 embryos/client minimum order/per breed, Grade #1 embryos ONLY unless noted. [UK/AI Centre requires USA minimum order of 30 embryos/breed. Embryos shipped to Reproduction Specialty Group (RSG), Lebanon, Indiana. [For embryos all further documents once imported handled via RSG].

To fill requirements on USA side of the pond please note these items:
- Shop UK Frozen Ram Semen to see individual rams (pictures, pedigrees, data, owners) to add Genetic Diversity into your flock
• see Heritage Sheep Reproduction LINKS for USDA/APHIS Health Protocol and National Scrapie Eradication Program. Rams full-fill Health Protocols for USA, Canada and European Union (EU)
- USA clients can purchase ram semen and/or embryos now, but need to be in the National Scrapie Eradication Program BEFORE re-shipping and/or usage
- rams for semen importation are required via USDA/APHIS to be Scrapie Genotype tested ARR/ARR [highest resistance]
- donor ewes required to be Scrapie Genotype tested . . . Health Certificate * "For in vivo-derived sheep embryos only: The embryos are of the genotype AAQR or AARR based on official testing of the parents of the embryos
• once orders for #ram semen straws and/or #embryos are placed and UK production is started, they "CAN" be increased, but "CAN NOT" be reduced
• "mother nature" ultimately determines the maximum # of straws and embryos produced
• all USA client payments by check, credit/debit card or money wire [payments collected via Heritage Sheep Reproduction, LLC for money wires to UK/AI Centre]

Rams for frozen semen [USA & CANADA] (~ 6+ months schedule)
   a. source rams for Codon Scrapie Genotype ARR/ARR [highest resistance]
   b. bloodwork to enter quarantine, also continues throughout 2 quarantines
   c. 120-day quarantine, bloodwork including Brucellosis, Maedi-Visna (MV), Schmallenberg Virus (SBV), Bluetongue Virus (BTV), Tuberculosis (TB)
   d. ram enter UK/AI Collection Barn for training & semen collection, suggest Genetic Diversity when more than 1 ram/breed
   e. 30-day post semen collection quarantine
   f. final bloodwork before importation
   g. USDA/APHIS or Canadian Import Permit, UK Government Sign-Off, Flights UK to USA or UK to Canada, Customs Inspection, [NO re-shipping allowed to another country once imported]
   h. transport UK to Great Lakes Sire Service, Michigan [USA] or UK to OC Flock Management [Canada], for storage and re-shipping within country for clients
   i. Straws available for Laparoscopic Artificial Insemination [LAI] of ewes Tank #s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 all imported into USA
Embryo Tranfer [ET] donor ewes & rams fresh semen [USA ONLY] (~ 3-1/2 months schedule)
   a. shorter schedule due to embryos are washed, can't wash sperm cells
   b. frozen embryos Tank #s 6, 8, 9 all imported into USA
   c. waiting for Canada's possible embryo approval . . . hopefully soon!
1 Dec 2022 via USDA/APHIS"Effective immediately, sheep and goat in-vivo embryos and oocytes from the United Kingdom of Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales) and Northern Ireland will be eligible for import into the United States. Importation of such commodities is only permitted for direct transfer to recipient females in U.S. flocks or herds listed in the National Scrapie Database, or to an Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)-approved embryo storage facility where they may be kept until transfer to the aforementioned recipient females."
Sire Service, Bronson, Michigan for semen storage and/or reshipping in USA
7 Nov 2022 — UK Government now allowing Export of Frozen Sheep Embryos from England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland to the USA
UK Ram Sharing Program . . . Heritage Sheep Reproduction (USA) and OC Flock Management (Canada) have teamed up to share rams at the UK/AI Center in order to make it more feasible to bring new Sheep Genetic Diversity to this side of the pond. Rams fulfill requirements for both, but tanks shipped separately (UK to USA) & (UK to Canada) as no reshipping allowed to other countries:
   a. Same UK rams - both USA & Canadian Health Protocols fulfilled
   b. UK to USA - fill out INTEREST FORM / ORDER FORM at the bottom of this page (include your address & add UK to USA)
   c. UK to Canada - fill out INTEREST FORM / ORDER FORM at the bottom of this page (include your address & add UK to CANADA)
   d. Interest Forms are automatically delivered to both Heritage Sheep Reproduction, USA and the OC Flock Management, Canada for an accurate straw order count
USA/Canada Breed Coordinators available to help you with any questions:
Interest Form & Order Form data is necessary for liaising with USA/Canada/UK breeders and breed societies to source rams and ensure a smooth flow of information. Genetic Diversity is a PRIORITY with Rare Heritage Breeds. When multiple rams are ordered within the same breed, every effort will be made to assure that each sheep breeder receives their correct percentage of the different blood lines. Contact your Sheep Breed Coordinator if questions:
• USA/Canada All Other Breeds, Deb Nelson Gourley, owner, Heritage Sheep Reproduction, phone 563-568-6229, or submit form below
• USA/Canada Bluefaced Leicester Breed Coordinator, Margaret VanCamp,
• USA/Canada North Country Cheviot (Park type) Co-Coordinator, Martin Macqueen,
• USA/Canada North Country Cheviot (Park type) Co-Coordinator, Steve Stone,
• USA/Canada Shetland Breed Coordinator, Amy Rappuhn,
• USA/Canada Teeswater Breed Coordinator, Cindy Cieciwa,
• USA/Canada Wensleydale Breed Coordinator, Cory Simpson,

Ram Semen Collection . . . built-in client protection of any failure at key points of the process, if a ram fails to produce semen, another ram will be selected:

• orders are subject to USDA/APHIS and Canadian Health Protocol bloodwork and "mother nature" ram semen quality
before or after rams enter 120-day quarantine), this will be returnable "up to" the event of failure MINUS UK/AI Center costs for tests (includes vet fees, bloodwork, quarantine) + any additional Codon Scrapie Genotype prorated/straw testing fees
before rams moved from quarantine to semen collection center, this will be returnable "up to" the event of failure MINUS UK/AI Center costs for tests (includes vet fees, bloodwork, quarantine)
this will be returnable "up to" the event of failure MINUS UK/AI Center costs
UK/AI Center: Failure for us to provide the semen for any fertility/health reasons will not represent a breach of contract and all reasonable costs "up to" the point of the individual failure will be payable by you [the clients] as described already in the above.
UK to USA (in American dollar) client purchases of sheep embryos and frozen ram semen from UK/AI Centre, processed via Heritage Sheep Reproduction, Waukon, Iowa:
• ram semen cost includes $5.00/straw to defray Heritage Sheep Reproduction import permit, e-commerce website and incredible amount of paperwork
• embryos cost has pro-rated importation costs plus additional $10.00/embryo to defray Heritage Sheep Reproduction import permit, e-commerce website and incredible amount of paperwork
• Codon Scrapie Genotype (required ARR/ARR) is an additional expense for the USA breeder, pro-rated per straw purchased
• if DNA Profile is required by your USA breed association, i.e., Herdwick, Kerry Hill, Wensleydale, this is an additional expense for the USA breeder and/or your Association
• 1 straw per ewe needed for Laparoscopic Artificial Insemination
• 5 straws per client minimum order (can be from multiple rams and breeds)
• 100 straws per individual ram minimum order, before entering UK ram semen quarantine and collection center (can be from multiple clients in both the USA and Canada)
• UK/AI Centre recommends 2 embryos/recipient ewe [surrogate mother]
• 30 embryos per breed of donors minimum order, before entering UK ram semen quarantine and collection center (USA only, Canada not approved yet)
• as per USDA/APHIS, UK frozen ram semen imported into the USA can not be reshipped to Canada or any other country
• reshipment costs within the USA and/or long-term cryopreservation are the responsibility of the client(s)

UK to Canada (in Canadian dollar) client purchases of frozen ram semen from UK/AI Centre, processed via OC Flock Management, Alberta, Canada
• All purchases for Canada will be managed directly by OC Flock Management in Alberta
• All purchases will be invoiced by and payments will be made to OC Flock in Canadian dollars
To order semen please submit Interest/Order Form below [automatically delivered to both OCFM and HSR]
• ~ $125.00 CANADIAN per straw: at current costs and exchange rates, anticipate that the semen landed at our facility will be $125.00 CAD per straw. Storage is $1.25/straw per year with a minimum fee of $10.00 per ram [via 24March2023]
 per straw cost includes payment to the ram owner, ram quarantine, veterinary fees, bloodwork, tests, semen collection
 per straw cost includes $5.00 USD/straw to defray Heritage Sheep Reproduction for the e-commerce website and incredible amount of time and legwork to make this opportunity possible for the smaller Canadian industry
 exact amount of import costs and GST will be determined on a per straw basis after arrival in Canada 
• DNA Profile is required by CSBA/CLRC for ALL imported semen and will be included in the import costs, pro-rated per straw purchased per ram
• 1 straw per ewe needed for Laparoscopic Artificial Insemination
• 5 straws per client minimum order (can be from multiple rams and breeds)
• 100 straws per individual ram minimum, before entering UK ram semen quarantine and collection center (can be from multiple clients in both the USA and Canada)
• UK semen to Canada can be used in any flock with no restrictions
• as per CFIA, UK frozen ram semen imported into the Canada cannot be reshipped to the USA or any other country
• UK tank(s) will be shipped to OC Flock Management in Alberta
• reshipment costs within Canada and/or long-term storage with OC Flock are the responsibility of the client(s)
USDA/APHIS Regulations for Sheep and their Germplasm Importations into the USA:
• live animals - ONLY from Australia, New Zealand
• frozen semen - ONLY from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, European Union, Iceland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom (UK includes England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)
• frozen embryos - ONLY from Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom (UK includes England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)