Note: (see Interest Form & News for details)
Sold Out
= $595.00 per embryo [importation fee NOT included in price], Grade #1 embryos ONLY, 4 embryos minimum order
Codon Scrapie Genotype testing to source ARR/ARR (highest resistance) rams and Codon testing donor ewes + plus any cost overrun. Embryos shipped to
Reproduction Specialty Group (RSG), Lebanon, Indiana.
[click on images to ENLARGE & scroll]
- UK/AI Centre recommends 2 embryos [from the same donor sire flush] into each recipient ewe [surrogate mother]
- 4 embryos [minimum order] . . . 1st come/1st serve!
4 Wensleydale (black) donor ewes:
• Chilton 01987B
• Chilton 01984B
• Chilton 01981B
• Chilton 01977B
Brimham Moussa (7770B) UK0586741-00077, sire of embryos
All embryos will be shipped to this location for storage, transfer into recipient ewes and/or re-shipping:
USDA/APHIS (1 Dec 2022): Effective immediately, sheep and goat in-vivo embryos and oocytes from the United Kingdom of Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales) and Northern Ireland will be eligible for import into the United States. Importation of such commodities is only permitted for direct transfer to recipient females in U.S. flocks or herds listed in the National Scrapie Database, or to an Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)-approved embryo storage facility where they may be kept until transfer to the aforementioned recipient females. * For in vivo-derived sheep embryos only: The embryos are of the genotype AAQR or AARR based on official testing of the parents of the embryos. Testing was performed at an officially approved laboratory, and laboratory reports are attached to the certificate;
UK Wensleydale (black) donor breeders/owners: Duncan Parker & Diana Bird, Chilton Wensleydales, Chilton Grounds Farm, Ayesbury, Buckinghamshire, England, UK
To order UK Wensleydale (black) embryos fill out Interest Form (required)
USA Embryo Transfer Coordinator
Heritage Sheep Reproduction
Deb Nelson Gourley, B.S, M.S.