Note: (see Interest Form & News for details)
= $135.00 per straw [includes importation fee*], 5 straws minimum order can be a mixture of rams & breeds
[importation fee* = Codon Scrapie Genotype testing to source ARR/ARR (highest resistance) rams, UK Gov Sign-off, transport to London, non-stop flight to USA, tank fully insured, USDA/APHIS Customs inspection, shipment from Customs to Great Lakes Sire Service (GLSS) Bronson, Michigan, in-inventory at GLSS, return tank to UK for next shipment] + plus any cost overrun
Born: 2023, single, natural service
Pedigree [click on images to ENLARGE & scroll]
G Sire: Burndale 65/K001
Sire: Logie Durno 4425/N007
G Dam: Logie Durno 4425/K023
G Sire: Cendy 2864/M001
Dam: Espley 4024/N031
G Dam: Espley 4024/H023
Scrapie Genotype: ARR/ARR
VIDEO of BFL Espley 1/2 brother to Espley 4024/S012 selling for record setting 23,000 gns, Source: The Scottish Farmer, 7 Oct 2022 via Facebook . . . New record for a traditional Bluefaced Leicester ram lamb. Huge well done to Mick and Nicky Gray of the Espley Flock, who sold their pre-sale champion for 23,000 to Alan McClmont, Kirkstead. [conversion = 23,000 gns British guinea / £28,600 British pound / $37,177 USA dollar]
Espley 4024/S012_front/side
Espley 4024/S012_pedigree
Espley 4024/S012_info
Espley 4024/S012_scrapie genotype testing
*Lot 144 Espley 4024/R001 _ pedigree, 1/2 Brother to Espley 4024/S012, both sired by Logie Durno 4425/N007
•Lot 144 Espley 4024/R001 _ Espley Traditional Bluefaced Leicester 1/2 brother, creates new record price at Harrison & Hetherington/Carlisle at 23,000 British guinea
*Lot 144 Espley 4024/R001 _ with Champion Ribbon, sale date 7 Oct 2022
*Lot 144 Espley 4024/R001 _ snapshot from BFL Record High Selling Sale
Espley 2 rams_heads turned view_Espley 4024/S012 in back
Espley 2 rams_front view_Espley 4024/S012 on right
Espley 2 rams_side view_Espley 4024/S012 in back
UK ram Breeder/Owner: Michael and Nikky Gray, Espley Bluefaced Leicesters, Morpeth, Northumberland, England, UK
To order UK ram semen fill out Interest Form (required)
USA/Canada Bluefaced Leicester Breed Coordinator
Margaret VanCamp
Pitchfork Ranch