Bluefaced Leicester "Derwenlas L1" (3822/L001) (UK0304345-00449) - Tank #1 - Semen Imported into USA


Note: (see Interest Form & News for details)

= $135.00 per straw [includes importation fee*], 5 straws minimum order can be a mixture of rams & breeds
[importation fee* = Codon Scrapie Genotype testing to source ARR/ARR (highest resistance) rams, UK Gov Sign-off, transport to London, non-stop flight to USA, tank fully insured, USDA/APHIS Customs inspection, shipment from Customs to Great Lakes Sire Service (GLSS) Bronson, Michigan, in-inventory at GLSS, return tank to UK for next shipment] + plus any cost overrun

Born: March 2018, single

Pedigree [click on images to ENLARGE & scroll]

       G Sire: 891/F010 - Lower Down (30356400793)
Sire: 1542/H001 - Pigot (70547802386)
       G Dam: 1542/E027 - Pigot (705478)

       G Sire: 3822/F030 - Derwenlas (304345)
Dam: 38822/G009 - Derwenlas (30434500252)
       G Dam: 3822/D037 - Derwenlas (304345)

Scrapie Genotype: ARR/ARR

Derwenlas L1 is a proven sire and is the most recent stock tup that has joined the flock, bought for his correctness. His pedigree includes one of Cernyw’s best ever breeding lines (Cernyw Y1).

Cernyw Flock of Pedigree Blue Faced Leicesters was established in 1978 by Elfyn Owen. Based in North Wales, UK, the 60 head of breeding ewes are Performance recorded to provide individual Estimated Breeding Values (EBV’s). Rams are produced for pedigree and commercial farmers annually to produce the maternal breeding ewe in the UK, known as the Mule. The flock comprises of prize winning sheep and fleeces and have exported sheep to Dubai and Germany.

Derwenlas L1_side
Derwenlas L1_pedigree
Derwenlas L1_side
Derwenlas L1_head, in i/q, May 2021
Derwenlas L1_side, in i/q, May 2021
Derwenlas L1_info via Grassroots
Derwenlas L1_pedigree via Grassroots
Derwenlas L1_live offspring via Grassroots
Derwenlas L1_ram lamb sired by him

UK ram owners: Elfyn and Ifan Owen, Cernyw Blue Faced Leicesters, Wales, UK

To order UK ram semen fill out Interest Form (required)

USA/Canada Bluefaced Leicester Breed Coordinator
Margaret VanCamp
Pitchfork Ranch